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Steve McCabe Addresses Online Event on Iran Regime’s Terrorist Threats

Steve McCabe MP, addressed an online event on October 15, 2020, on the Iranian regime’s terrorism and how it undermines global security.

The event, hosted by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). Members of Parliament of the U.K. and Irish politicians joined the online conference. Also, many Iranians supporters of the MEK and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)from various countries participated in the event. They focused on the fact that the Iran’s regime is a critical threat to global security, which is especially true considering the mullahs’ terror plots in Europe.

The event came in the wake of new threats by the regime’s incarcerated diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi. Assadi, who arrested following the regime’s foiled bomb plot against the NCRI’s “Free Iran” gathering in 2018 in Paris, threatened Belgian authorities with attacks by the mullahs’ proxy groups if he is found guilty.

The foiled bomb plot in 2018 and Assadi’s threats once again underline the need for European countries to take firm action against the mullahs’ regime.

Steve McCabe MP in the Iranian opposition NCRI online conference—October 15, 2020

It’s nice to be able to join you today. I want to make some very brief comments about the situation as I see it. But let’s be absolutely clear, Iran is the leading sponsor of state terrorism. That’s the problem that we are confronting. And the regime does this for two reasons. First of all, it’s interested only in repressing its own people it own. It’s interested in stifling any dissent, it’s interested in making it impossible for people to even engage in peaceful protest. And a broad ST chairman spread this evil doctrine.

I have to silence any opposition, it wants the co-foreign governments into submission, and it wants to deny any voice to legitimate opposition. That’s why it doesn’t want the National Council for resistance in Iran to be able to speak at public events. That’s why it targets their individuals. That’s why it attempted to bomb the NCRI convention in Paris. This is a regime which engages in the most brutal of domestic policy objectives. It’s regime who intend to eliminate all opposition, and they’re willing to use anyone in order to achieve their dreams. 

That’s why Assadollah Assadi is about to go on trial in Belgium, a senior Iranian diplomat, engaged complicit in an attempt to carry out a bombing operation. That is what we’re dealing with. It’s quite simple. Western governments need to stand up to this, they need to speak out, and they need to make it clear we’re not going to accept this kind of thing. 

And I know some people argue this and there’s a case for these men for trying to build better relations for offering financial adjustments. They think that may make the leopards change its thoughts, they won’t. They think it may encourage progressives in Iran, it won’t. 

Dealing with any gestures for Western governments as a sign of weakness, it will only serve to bolden the regime. There is only one approach we can afford to take to the present regime in Iran. That’s to see you’re excluded from the world community. You’re ostracized, we will not deal with you. You must face the consequences of your actions, either COVID-free and fair elections, and let your people go or prepare to be [inaudible 3:20] for the entire world. 

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Steve McCabe Addresses Online Event on Iran Regime’s Terrorist Threats