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Tahar Boumedra Addresses Webinar on Iran Regime’s Terrorism in Europe – October 22, 2020

Tahar Boumedra, former senior UN official in Iraq addressed a webinar on October 22, 2020, over the Iranian regime’s terrorism in Europe.

Also, a group of European and US personalities, lawyers and experts joined the online event hosted by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) on October 22. They condemned the Mullahs’ regime’s terrorism campaign in the Europe and called on the EU to pursue a firm policy against the Iran’s regime.

Participants condemned the regime’s support for terrorism around the world and called on the EU to end the appeasement policy under the pretext of engagement with the mullahs. It is time to make it clear to the mullahs’ regime that their support for terrorism in Europe soil and across the world will not be tolerated.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran(NCRI), was the keynote speaker at this event. Her message welcomed as a democratic solution to Iran’s future.

Tahar Boumedra, former senior UN official in Iraq

I am Taher Bomedra. I’m the former chief of the United Human Rights Office in Iraq, and former Special Adviser of the SRSG on issues related to Camp Ashraf, where some 3,400 members of the MEK leave as protected persons, and at the four Geneva Convention. I suddenly testify of the following. 

During my mission in Iraq and in Camp Ashraf, I have monitored the situation of the MEK members being subjected to all forms of persecution and to numerous armed attacks, on orders by the Iranian authorities, coordinated from the Iranian embassy in Baghdad. Aware of the responsibility of the Iranian authorities of these attacks, I together with the SRIC, namely, first … and then Martin Kobler.

I used to meet periodically with the Iranian ambassador in Baghdad to plead with him to stop the attacks against Camp Ashraf, and to no avail. Camp Ashraf was eventually closed, and its residents moved to Camp Liberty near Baghdad airport. After an ultimatum was given by the Iranian ambassador in Baghdad and the then Prime Minister of Iraq Nouri al Maliki to the effect that it could be closed or its residents would face the consequences. 

It is public knowledge that even after closing Camp Ashraf and the transfer of its residents of Camp liberty, they were subject to deadly attacks on different occasions. Based on my experience I gained on the ground, dealing with different interlocutors, namely the Office of the Iraqi Prime Minister, the Iranian embassy in Baghdad, the diplomatic community in Baghdad, the Iraqi civil society and the residence of Camp Ashraf, I came to the conclusion that the Iranian authorities consider the MEK as the main serious threat to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Hence, the need to exterminate all members of the MEK who refuse to disband and repent. My conviction is also based on the extended research I have undertaken on the Iranian constitution and its bylaws. Two basic tenants characterize the regime. First, the establishment of the IRGC. Second, the export of its ideology. We have already seen what the regime can do in the 1988 massacre. The regime is striving to obtain nuclear bombs. The act being prosecuted in Belgium stems from the ideology of the regime and was decided at the highest level of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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Tahar Boumedra Addresses Webinar on Iran Regime’s Terrorism in Europe – October 22, 2020