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The Free Iran World Summit 2019

Remarks by Khaled Al-Yamani–Free Iran Global Summit, July 17, 2020

Khaled Al-Yamani, Former Foreign Minister of Yemen joined the Online Free Iran Global Summit. In his remarks, Mr. al-Yamani said, “The ruling regime in Tehran is a threat to the people of Iran and the people of the region. As long as the regime continues with its rule, the repression, corruption, poverty in Iran, terrorism, and war in the region will continue at the same rate.”

The Iranian opposition coalition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) managed to hold this year’s annual gathering virtually on July 17. Given the novel coronavirus pandemic and its restriction, many dignitaries commended the NCRI’s ability and determination for connecting 30,000 locations to Ashraf-3, home to members of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Here is the speech of Mr. al-Yamani:

Brothers and sisters in the leadership of the Iranian resistance, fighters inside Iran and all over the world who are fighting to defeat the clerical dictatorship in Tehran, brothers and sisters participating in this gathering, dear sister and brave fighter Maryam Rajavi, greetings to you.

First of all, I would like to convey the greetings of millions of Yemenis and the legitimate government who are exposed to the crimes of the Houthi militias of the Iranian regime on a daily basis.

Sincere greetings to you, dear women, men, children and adults in Iran, who are leading a blessed mass uprising against the terrorist and rotten dictatorship of the mullahs.

We wish you success in this gathering to gain support for the Resistance Units, to overthrow the terrorist regime in Tehran, and to establish a democratic and free Iran for all Iranians of all races, religions, and social groupings.

The terrorism of the Iranian regime and its organized aggression against the Iranian people to prevent the realization of their democratic and legitimate goals will be defeated.

They will be defeated along with the expansionist and malevolence policies against the neighboring countries commanded by its terrorist arms, such as the Qods Force and its killed terrorist commander Qassem Soleimani; militia forces and illegal groups in Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq; their successive attacks on international water passages in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz; the smuggling of weapons and missiles; and drones for Houthi militias in Yemen to kill Yemeni people and attack civilian targets in Saudi Arabia – all of them are gross violations of international law and the Charter of the United Nations.

The ruling regime in Tehran is a threat to the people of Iran and the people of the region. As long as the regime continues with its rule, the repression, corruption, poverty in Iran, terrorism, and war in the region will continue at the same rate.

The Republic of Yemen called on the U.N. Security Council to fulfill its obligations and to continue the ban on sending arms to the dictatorial regime of the mullahs.

Friends, the Iranian people want the overthrow of the clerical dictatorship. They need international support for the popular resistance and the Mojahedin-e Khalq and the National Council of Resistance as an alternative to the terrorist regime in Tehran.

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Remarks by Khaled Al-Yamani–Free Iran Global Summit, July 17, 2020