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The Free Iran World Summit 2019

The Free Iran Global Summit is an annual gathering organized by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), a coalition of Iranian opposition groups and personalities committed to the establishment of a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear republic in Iran. The summit is attended by a diverse range of participants, including political leaders, policymakers, human rights activists, journalists, and scholars from around the world.

The purpose of the summit is to raise awareness of the ongoing human rights abuses, political repression, and terrorism carried out by the Iranian regime, and to promote the cause of a free, democratic Iran. The summit provides a platform for participants to share their insights and experiences, and to discuss strategies for promoting change in Iran and holding the regime accountable for its actions.

The summit typically features speeches, panel discussions, and other events on a wide range of topics related to Iran, including human rights, democracy, terrorism, regional security, and Iran’s nuclear program. Prominent speakers at past summits have included political leaders, such as former US Vice President Mike Pence and former French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, as well as human rights advocates.

The Free Iran Global Summit serves as an important forum for promoting international solidarity in support of a free and democratic Iran.

Below we take a look at the great gatherings of Free Iran in the last few years:

Free Iran World Summit 2023

Paris, July 1, 2023: Esteemed global leaders and legislators gathered at the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)’s Headquarters in Auvers-sur-Oise for an important assembly. Simultaneously, a large gathering of Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance took place in Paris, uniting to express unwavering solidarity with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi‘s ten-point plan for bringing about regime change in Iran and establishing freedom and democracy in the country.

Please follow Free Iran World Summit 2023 on this Link

Free Iran World Summit 2022

More than 100 parliamentary committees of Friends of Free Iran and organizations, unions, syndicates, associations, and prominent political, legal, and religious figures from 5 continents announced their solidarity with the Free Iran World Summit 2022.

Please follow the speeches of prominent dignitaries by the following link

Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) Chairman, Foreign Relations Committee of the United States Senate
Ambassador John Bolton, Former National Security Advisor (NSA) of the U.S. President.
Kira Rudik, Member of Parliament, Leader of the Voice Party of Ukraine
Joe Lieberman, U.S. Senator (1989-2013)

Please follow the speeches of other prominent dignitaries by the following link

The Free Iran World Summit 2021

The Free Iran World Summit 2021 was the largest-ever online international event dedicated to liberating Iran from its oppressive religious dictatorship and paving the way for a free, democratic, and sovereign future.

Highlights: Free Iran World Summit 2021-The Democratic Alternative on the March to Victory
US Secretary Mike Pompeo’s Remarks to the Free Iran World Summit 2021
Janez Janša’s Remarks to the Free Iran World Summit 2021
US Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s Remarks to the Free Iran World Summit 2021

Please follow the speeches of other prominent dignitaries by the following link

Free Iran 2020 Global Summit: Iran Rising Up for Freedom | Resistance Units Key to Victory

In 2020, the gathering was held at the compound in Albania that houses members of the NCRI’s main constituent group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI-MEK). The live stream event took place in more than 30,000 different locations, spanning 104 countries, with over 1000 dignitaries and personalities attending the summit.

Highlights of Day 1 of the Free Iran 2020 Global Summit – Iran Rising Up for Freedom
Highlights of Day 2 of the Free Iran 2020 Global Summit – The 1988 massacre
Highlights of Day 3 of the Free Iran 2020 Global Summit – Iranian Regime’s Terrorism

Iranian Opposition Conference in Albania—July 12, 2019

Prominent international dignitaries joining Iranian opposition President Maryam Rajavi at a conference in Ashraf 3 – Tirana, Albania – July 12, 2019

Renowned dignitaries from across the globe gathered in Ashraf 3, home to members of the MEK, to attend a conference on over a century of the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom. An exhibition symbolizing more than a hundred years of the Iranian people’s struggle for democracy.

MEK women’s role in the Iranian opposition—Sen. Ingrid Betancourt admires women’s role in the MEK
Michèle Alliot Marie supports Iranian opposition PMOI/MEK & NCRI conference
Elona Jebrial’s speech at the annual rally of the Iranian opposition

FreeIran 2018 Grand Gathering

The international gathering of Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance was held near Paris. Hundreds of senior former officials, lawmakers, and prominent personalities from more than 50 countries in five continents attended this gathering.

More than 200 members of the British parliament expressed support for the rally and the Iranian people’s uprising against the clerical regime.

More than 50 bishops of the Church of England condemned the human rights abuses perpetrated by the regime in Tehran and its treatment of Iran’s religious minorities.  The majority of San Marino’s parliament recently declared their solidarity with the people of Iran in their uprising.

Speech of Members of the French Delegation at Free Iran: The Alternative Gathering 2018
MENA delegation at Free Iran: The Alternative grand gathering 2018
British Delegation representing the British House of Lords and House of Commons
Speech by Rama Yade at Free Iran : The Alternative Gathering 2018 Villepinte , Paris

Free Iran Gathering Against Mullahs’ Regime, July 2017

The grand gathering of Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance was held in Paris on Saturday, July 1st, in which hundreds of senior former officials, lawmakers, and prominent personalities from more than 50 countries on five continents participated.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, was the keynote speaker. She emphasized that the only way to liberate the Iranian people from religious tyranny and to establish peace and tranquility in the region is to overthrow the Velayat-e Faqih.

Grand Gathering of Iranians for a free Iran – 1st July 2017 – Anwar Malek Former Arab League observer
Grand Gathering of Iranians for a free Iran – 1st July 2017 – Linda Chavez
Grand Gathering of Iranians for a free Iran – 1st July 2017 – Ranjana Comari women’s rights Activist

Free Iran Gathering 2016

On July 9, 2016, a gathering was held at cavernous convention halls near Le Bourget Airfield, close to where Charles Lindbergh ended his historic solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean 90 years ago. More than 100,000 friends and supporters of over 300 human rights and Iranian dissident groups joined dignitaries and elected officials from around the world to oppose the rule of the mullahs in Tehran. This annual gathering has deep roots in the struggle for freedom and democracy in Iran and is the largest thorn in the side of the ruling religious leaders of the Iranian regime. Among the groups in attendance was the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), whose mere association is considered treason and punishable by death by the mullahs.

Free Iran Grand Gathering 2016 – Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson
Free Iran Grand Gathering 2016 – Sid Ahmed Ghoali
Free Iran Grand Gathering 2016 – Alejo Vidal‐Quadras