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The Free Iran World Summit 2019

Maryam Rajavi, a figure of tireless defense of freedom for the Iranian people

Maryam Rajavi, a figure of tireless defense of freedom for the Iranian people

After nationwide protests beginning in 2018 Dozens of people were shot dead during the uprising by security forces and Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), and at least 8000 have been arrested. Every day, we learn of another prisoner killed under torture, but the mullahs’ henchmen ridiculously claim that they committed suicide in detention.

A number of youths are missing and their families have no news of them. Making mass arrests, opening fire on unarmed protesters, and torturing prisoners to death, are clear examples of crime against humanity.

Dozens of international human rights organizations from countries across the globe, including North American, Europe, the Middle East and Asia are strongly protesting the arrest and murder of those arrested during and after protests launched in Iran from December onward,

But the most important activities for the release of the detainees and the defense of the rights of the demonstrators have been carried out by the main mullahs’ opposition, the MEK and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) led by Mrs.Maryam Rajavi.

Marym Rajavi

Mrs. Rajavi has nonstop defended the rights of the people of Iran by attending different conferences and holding various meetings and exposing the crimes of the Iranian regime. One of the most important measures during this period was holding a conference at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and the conference In Paris with a large number of European parliamentarians and political figures.

Ms. Rajavi participated in various meetings at the Council of Europe ,In these meetings, she urged the Council of Europe and its member states to adopt effective measures and binding decisions to compel the religious dictatorship ruling Iran to release the prisoners of the uprising, uphold freedom of expression and association, end repression and lift the compulsory veil.

Maryam Rajavi

She declared, “Thirty-nine years of bloodshed and crimes, discriminations against and subjugation of women, repression, and censorship is enough. The International Community must end its silence and inaction.”

She also called for the formation of an international inquiry delegation to investigate into the deaths, detention, and disappearances of Iranian protesters and those murdered in prison. She said the regime must be compelled to accept this delegation in Iran.

But at the recent meeting in Paris, Mrs. Rajavi, emphasized the demands she made in the Council of Europe, she said:

Europe must distance itself from the clerical regime. This regime is doomed to go and appeasement only makes the price for freedom heavier for the people of Iran and fuels war and crises in the region there is a democratic alternative in Iran which enjoys popular support. It is capable of bringing about change and offering specific plans and structures for future Iran. The regime fears it very much. This alternative guarantees a united and sovereign Iran. The clerical regime is doomed to go and the Iranian Resistance guarantees a free Iran and stability and tranquility in the region.

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Maryam Rajavi, a figure of tireless defense of freedom for the Iranian people