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Iranian youth attack regime suppression centre

Iranian youth attack regime suppression centre

Defiant Iranian youth targeted one of the clerical regime’s key buildings for suppression and theft in Tehran in the early hours of Wednesday, January 29.

The Iranian youth, who have been bravely rising up against the mullahs in anti-regime protests that began in December 2017, attacked the “Headquarters for the Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order” (HEIKO),  which is located on the Mohammad Ali Jennah Expressway in Tehran.

The United States Department of the Treasury sanctioned HEIKO, which is directly controlled by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and 37 of its affiliated companies on June 4, 2013, based on a Presidential Executive Order number signed by Barack Obama.

The Iranian Resistance published a book in March 2017 about the regime’s plunder of the Iranian people’s wealth, which gives a small glimpse into the scale of HEIKO’s pilfering, including the forced confiscation and seizure of people’s lands, properties, and real estate. This is something that dictatorships have done to enrich themselves since the beginning of time, but an important example from modern history comes from the Nazis. (The book, entitled “The Rise of the Revolutionary Guards Financial Empire”, is available to buy here, should you wish to read more.)

Also on Wednesday, angry Iranian youth attacked posters of Khamenei and the now-dead terrorist commander of the Quds Force Qassem Soleimani in several cities across Iran, including Tehran, Isfahan, Boroujerd, Karaj, Sari, Babol and Bandar Langeh. While in Shahriar and Islamshahr, they also set fire to tires and blocked the roads to prevent suppressive patrols from getting to the scene.

The protesters are mainly members of the Resistance Units and have intensified their activities in recent weeks, mainly attacking posters glorifying the mullahs and replacing them with posters of the resistance leaders. This is truly brave because support for the resistance carries the death penalty in Iran.

resistance units and defiant Iranian youth in Tehran installed posters of resistance leader Massoud Rajavi and  President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) Maryam Rajavi bearing messages to encourage the Iranian people to support the ongoing protests, while in the cities of Ahvaz, Behbahan, Karaj, Mashhad, Rasht, and Semnan, the resistance units  painted a variety of anti-regime slogans, including:

  • “Death to oppressors, be it the Shah, or the Leader”
  • “Hail to Rajavi”
  • “Down with Khamenei”
  • “Down with the rule of the mullahs”
  • “Down with Khamenei, the dictator”
  • “Don’t call me a seditionist! You’re the sedition, you oppressor!”
  • “Hail to PMOI/MEK, Maryam Rajavi”

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Iranian youth attack regime suppression centre