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Iranian Communities in Europe Call for Firm Policy on Regime

More than 200 Iranian community members across Europe, which is known as the Alliance for Public Awareness, have written a statement to the President of the European Union Council, Charles Michel, to demand a firm policy on the Iranian regime.

The statement cited the following incidents as proof of why such a policy is needed.

First, the 2018 bomb plot against a Free Iran rally in Paris, for which Iranian diplomat Assadollah Assadi and three others were just convicted and given long prison sentences in a Belgian court. Prosecutors said that the aim was to kill Resistance leader Maryam Rajavi and the European diplomats who would be sitting beside her. They also said that Assadi was working at the behest of the top regime officials.

Second, the plot to bomb the Resistance headquarters in Albania on Persian New Year, which led to the expulsion of the Iranian ambassador and three diplomats from the country. Other terror plots in France and the Netherlands led to the expulsion of three more diplomats.

All of these terrorist actions happened because the regime was scared of growing unrest in Iran and was emboldened by the concessions gained in the 2015 nuclear deal.

The statement read: “Heinous human rights abuses, the pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, conducting unbridled terrorism abroad, meddling in the domestic affairs of regional countries, and inciting conflicts in the Middle East are all part and parcel of the Iranian regime’s core policies, which seriously threaten peace and security in the region and throughout the world.”

The Iranian communities advised that the EU and UN do the following:

  • Close Iran’s embassies and centres, which are used for terrorism and espionage
  • Make economic relations with Iran dependent on an improvement to human rights, a halt to terrorism in Europe, the end of Middle East conflicts, and the termination of nuclear and missile programs
  • Designate the Revolutionary Guards and Intelligence Ministry as terrorist entities, as well as prosecuting and expelling their agents
  • Refer the regime’s human rights dossier to the UN Security Council and bring its leaders to justice for crimes against humanity and terrorism
  • Recognise the Iranian people’s right to overthrow the regime and institute democracy
  • Remove the regime from the UN (and other bodies) and replace them with Resistance representatives

An accompanying letter, signed by Dr. Sina Dashti, stressed that the EU’s Iran policy should consider “the mullahs’ complete disregard for the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Iranian people, its terrorism directed against dissidents on European soil, and its destabilizing activities in the Middle East”.

The letter further stated that the “overwhelming majority of Iranians” want regime change,  which is reflected in the three nationwide uprisings seen since December 2017, so any appeasement of the regime would be against the interests of the Iranian people.

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Iranian Communities in Europe Call for Firm Policy on Regime