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Monthly Report of Iran Human Rights Monitor (Iran HRM) – March 2021

Iran Human Rights Monitor has published its report on human rights abuses in March 2021. The report, published on the eve of the Iranian New Year1400, addresses human rights violations in Iran under the rule of the mullahs. Including the dire situation of prisoners, arrests and executions and arbitrary murders in Iran.

Excerpts from this report are as follows:

On the eve of the Persian new year, many political prisoners and dissidents were not only denied Nowruz leave, but they were exposed to additional pressure. Several political prisoners including peaceful activists and dissidents were sent to remote prisons as a form of additional punishment in the middle of their prison terms. Iranian judicial authorities, while putting more pressure on prisoners, intend to keep dissidents away from their homes and families to prevent them from their peaceful activities. The practice of sending prisoners into prison exile is also unlawful and could be challenged in the Supreme Administrative Court, as it violates Note 3 of Article 513 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which states that prisoners should serve their terms in prisons close to where they live.

Exile of the political prisoners as a form of punishment makes it difficult for their families to make weekly visits. 18 Jailed dissidents at Raja’i Shahr Prison of Karaj wrote an open letter on March 21, protesting the exile of political prisoners and opening new cases against them.

12 prisoners were executed for murder, and four for rape.

Political arrests have been made on charges such as participating in protests over the killing of fuel traders in Saravan or collaborating with Kurdish dissident groups.

Iran’s judicial system continued to pressure detainees through denying them adequate medical treatment.
Political prisoners Mohammad Nourizad, Mostafa Fallah Kheirandish, Nasser Fahimi, Afshin Bayemani, Fatemeh Mosanna, Hamzeh Darvish, Abolhassan Montazer and Omid Amjadkhah are among those who have been denied medical treatment despite their serious health conditions.
Dozens of prisoners also went on hunger strike last month to protest the «exile and harassment of political prisoners» as well as the violation of prisoners’ basic rights.

On March 9, Maryam Akbari Monfared was abruptly relocated from the women’s ward of Evin Prison and banished 110 miles east to the central prison in Semnan.

Political prisoner Atena Daemi was abruptly banished to Lakan Prison of Rasht on March 16, 2021. The forcible relocation of Atena Daemi took place on the eve of the Persian New Year on March 20.

Arbitrary murders
At least eight civilians were killed in March by the regime’s armed forces, including the maritime forces, police, Basij and plainclothes.

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Monthly Report of Iran Human Rights Monitor (Iran HRM) – March 2021