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Our Time to Act Is Now! Sign Up for the Free Iran World Summit 2022 and Be an Advocate for Change!

Our Time to Act Is Now! Sign Up for the Free Iran World Summit 2022 and Be an Advocate for Change!

Save the date for the Free Iran World Summit 2022, July 23-24, 2022, when inspirational leaders will unite with supporters around the world in the fight for freedom and equality.

Register Today!

Join as the world comes together to honor the resistance and resilience of a steadfast nation devoted to making ‘free Iran’ a reality

Day 1. Iran: Uprisings, Resistance Units, Key to Change

Day 2. Accountability for Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide

In an era where ‘Resistance’ had in time turned to a thing of the past and the world saw diplomacy and appeasement as the only path forward in turbulent times, against tyrannical regimes, there were those who chose to stand and resist with one motto:

We Can & We Must!

Believing that if we stand the world will stand with us!

Through their determination resistance units were born, fear was broken, and continuous Iran protests took center stage, showcasing the resilience of the Iranian people in their unwavering quest for freedom. And now it’s your chance to be a part of this history in the making because resistance is the need of all who seek liberation!

Together we can increase awareness for our cause and build on the momentum of the resistance to tyranny. By spreading the word, we can gather more support around the world, with allies dedicated to progress, peace and social justice.

As we come together in opposition to a theocratic government, our conversations will center around gender equality, freedom of speech and the separation of religion and state. Your support now—and in the future—has the power to impact the lives of the next generation.

The future of Iran awaits. Sign up to mobilize global support for the movement.

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Together we are the force for change and will make #FreeIran2022 a reality!

In solidarity,

The Free Iran Team

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Our Time to Act Is Now! Sign Up for the Free Iran World Summit 2022 and Be an Advocate for Change!