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Robert Torricelli speech in MEK Free Iran rally in Albania

MEK / PMOI Free Iran rally in Albania– Robert Torricelli Former US Senator supported MEK and Maryam Rajavi’s plan for a free and democratic Iran, “I’m a volunteer, a simple soldier in the international fight to end the dictatorship in Iran.- July 13, 2019

For thousands of years, when people met at street corners the said: ‘I’m a citizen of Rome.’ But today, wherever men stand tall, they will say that I was a resident of Ashraf. I never gave up, I never gave in, I’m a proud Iranian,” Sen. Robert Torricelli said. “What began with a single woman is a chorus around the world… To those of you that are risking your lives in Iran I say, It is your time. To the students, if you haven’t joined the brigades of resistance, join today, join tomorrow. Take your lives in your hands,” Robert Torricelli added. “To the workers who hear my voice, break down your chains and rise up to your freedom and the right to feed your families,” Sen. Robert Torricelli emphasized, touching on the restive atmosphere in Iran. “To the Iranian community in foreign countries, the past is forgiven, the future is now, we have a common cause to restore the dignity of the Iranian people. There is only one organization that promises to overthrow the dictatorship in Iran and restore the nation and that organization is the PMOI and their leader is Maryam Rajavi,” he added. “Gathered here today is what the regime could not buy. The respect of other nations. Democrats and Republicans, are committed to one common cause: the destruction of this regime now… In every organization, in every group of men and women but one is always the strongest, many can join later but one has joined first and the former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani is that voice among my fellow Americans.”

Robert Torricelli: My friends. Thank you. Allow me to introduce myself. I am a volunteer, a simple soldier in the international fight to end the dictatorship and bring freedom to Iran. For a thousand years, in ancient times, from Palestine to the hills of Albania to Gibraltar, when people met on street corners and homes, the proudest claim in all the world, civis romanus sum, I am a citizen of Rome. Within the life of the oldest among us, from the Caspian Sea to the cafes of Tehran to the Indian Ocean and cities and towns, wherever men and women stand tall, the tallest among them will say, I was a resident of Ashraf. I never gave up. I never gave in. I am an Iranian who always lived free. That is Ashraf.

Robert Torricelli: Today what began with a single woman is now a chorus of voices all around the world. To those of you in Iran who at the risk of your lives listened to us on radios or on flickering television screens or on devices in your hands, it is your time. We are ready. It is your moment. To the students, if you have not joined a brigade of resistance yesterday, join it today. If you do not join today, join tomorrow. But do not be a witness to history, take your lives in your own hands. [applause] To the workers who hear my voice and toil in the factories of the Revolutionary Guards, break your chains, lay down your tools, stop working to fund terror and misery and the destruction of your own country. Rise up to work to feed your own families in a new Iranian freedom. We are ready. The time is now.

Robert Torricelli: To those in the diaspora, the Iranian community from Germany and France to Canada and America, the past is forgiven. The future is now. We have a common cause, to restore the dignity of the Iranian nation, the freedom of the Iranian people, and build a secure freedom of liberty. There is only one organization that promises the destruction of the regime, the building of a democratic future, that can muster the resources, make the sacrifices, and restore the nation. That organization is the PMOI and its leader is Madame Rajavi.

Robert Torricelli: Gathered here today is what the regime could not buy, the respect, the dignity of other nations. I am proud to be here among the delegation of my own nation. Democrats or Republicans, liberals and conservatives, north, east and west, in the most distinguished group of united Americans it has ever been my pleasure to join. Committed to one common cause: the destruction of this regime now.

Robert Torricelli: In every organization, in every group of men and women there are many voices but one is always the strongest. There can be many people but one is always the most committed. Many can join later but one had to have joined first. There is no issue in my country when the day comes to liberate Tehran who will be the first, loudest and proudest. It is the former mayor of the great city of New York, Rudy Giuliani.

Robert Torricelli: Giuliani and Torricelli, I know what you’re thinking. There’s no real American supporters, just a few Italian Americans. Well, we’re here to set that straight. In every country, there are those voices of specialty on diplomacy or defense or the economy. My country is no different. But in the years I served the United States Senate, when the subject came to decency, ethics, the distinguishing between right and wrong, taking a principled stand against the strong in favor of the weak, if only because they were right, there were many voices but there was one leader. It is my honor to present to you the former vice presidential candidate of my party for Vice President of the United States, the distinguished former senator from Connecticut, the Honorable Joe Lieberman.

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Robert Torricelli speech in MEK Free Iran rally in Albania