September 22, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Norway (Oslo) held a rally in front of the mullahs’ regime embassy and protested the suppression of the current uprising across Iran.
They also honored the memory of Mahsa Amini and the martyrs of the last week’s Iran protests. Iranian Resistance supporters expressed their solidarity and support for the nationwide protests in the country.
The brutal murder of Mahsa Amini by Khamenei’s criminal agents, has created a wave of anger and hatred not only throughout Iran but in other countries in the world, especially among Iranian communities abroad.
Iranian also called for the prosecution of the Iran regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi because of his role in the 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners and other crimes, including the killing of the protesters in November 2019 and the brutal murder of Mahsa Amini and dozens of the people in the last week protests.
Bildene som holdes er av personer som har blitt drept under protestene som pågår nå. Vi vil aldri tilgi, og vi vil aldri glemme. #MahsaAmini #IranProtests #Iran #IranProtests2022 #RaisiMassMurderer @AsmundAukrust @olaelvestuen @Trinesg @kjellingolf @aaseKleveland @MaritArnstad pic.twitter.com/cV0g7leEf5
— Unge norsk-iranere for demokrati (@UNID_) September 22, 2022
Iranian Resistance supporters chanted slogans including:
“From the massacre of 1988 to today’s massacres, death to Khamenei, death to Raisi!”
“Down with Raisi! Down with Khamenei!”
Norsk-iranere demonstrerer foran det iranske regimets ambassade i Oslo, i solidaritet med #MahsaAmini og demonstrantene i Iran. Vi står alle samlet mot terrorregimet og vil gjøre alt i vår makt for å velte regimet, en gang for alle. #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 pic.twitter.com/iPOz1XR3kq
— Unge norsk-iranere for demokrati (@UNID_) September 22, 2022