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New York, September 21, 2022: Iranian Resistance Large Demonstration in Front of the U.N. Against Ebrahim Raisi Mass Murderer

New York, September 21, 2022: Iranian Resistance Large Demonstration in Front of the U.N. Against Ebrahim Raisi Mass Murderer

New York, September 21, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance (NCRI and MEK) held a large demonstration in front of the U.N. headquarter against the presence of the mass murderer Ebrahim Raisi in the U.N.

In this large rally, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) paid tribute to Mahsa Amini. They protested and condemned the brutal murder of Mahsa by the mullahs’ regime.

Freedom-loving Iranians also expressed their solidarity and support for the uprising of the Iranian people, which is ongoing throughout the country.

Iranian Resistance supporters also, called for prosecution of the mullahs’ regime President Ebrahim Raisi because of his role in the 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners in Iran.

MEK supporters chanted slogans including:

“Down with Raisi! Down with Khamenei!”

“Raisi is a murderer! Down with Raisi”.

“Regime change in Iran by the people of Iran”

“Terrorist Raisi out of UN Now Now Now!”

“Prosecute Raisi NOW!”

“Down with the terrorist regime of Iran!”

“Democracy, freedom with Maryam Rajavi

“From Kurdistan to Tehran, oppression against women!”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) sent a video message, to the rally in New York and said: “The unjustified death of Mahsa Amini, who is now, the daughter of all of Iran, ignited the powder keg in our rebellious cities.”

Mrs. Rajavi added: “From Saqqez, Sanandaj, and Divandarreh, to Tehran, Karaj, Isfahan, Mashhad, Rasht, and other cities of Iran, brave protesters have shaken the pillars of Khamenei’s oppressive rule with their chants of “From Kurdistan to Tehran, Iran is drenched in blood,” “Khamenei is a murderer, his rule is illegitimate,” and “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the (mullahs’ supreme) leader.”

“The protesters’ cries reinforce the expanding and effective activities of the MEK Resistance Units across the country, which have sounded the regime’s death knell. Iranian people have risen for freedom. Those who admit the murderers of the Iranian people to the United Nations should be ashamed.”

“Ebrahim Raisi has the blood of 30,000 MEK and other political prisoners on his hands. He has been involved in handing down criminal death sentences for many years. As the head of the mullahs’ Judiciary, he is responsible for killing 1,500 youths during the November 2019 uprising. The number of executions has doubled during his term in office. Raisi is the murderer of the Iranian people, not their representative. He must be prosecuted, not allowed into the United Nations.”

“Today, Khamenei is himself in the throes of death. The public’s enormous hatred toward Ebrahim Raisi, as well as the decay and decline of the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), signal the clerical regime’s end. Khamenei and Raisi drag their dying regime from one day to the next through the monthly executions of dozens of people, the monthly printing of 500 million dollars’ worth of banknotes without backing, multiplying the prices, and starving the people. In contrast, the struggle and sacrifice of the MEK and Resistance Units give people hope and encourage them to prepare for the final uprising to bring down the mullahs.”

Read more: https://www.maryam-rajavi.com/en/raisi-1988-massacre-message-iranians-rally-in-new-york/

Also, Former United States senator Robert Toricelli, Former US Senator Sam Brownback, Ms. Kira Rudik, Leader of the Voice of Ukraine Party, Former US Senator Joe Lieberman, Dr. Siamack Shojai, Professor Kazem Kazeroonian, Mrs. Sheila Neinavaei, Bishop Robert Stearns, Reverend Dr. Marcus Miranda, Professor Firouz Daneshgari, Dr. Ashraf Zadshir, And Kiana and Sina, representatives of the youth of the Iranian-American community, addressed the demonstrators.

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New York, September 21, 2022: Iranian Resistance Large Demonstration in Front of the U.N. Against Ebrahim Raisi Mass Murderer