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Monday’s Iran Events – July 2, 2018

As the Mullahs’ regime diplomat-terrorist in Austria order a deadly attack on large Iranian gathering, it is shame that his boss, Rouhani, is welcomed in Austria. Rouhani visit to Austria must be stopped.

Iranian regime’s terrorist plot to attack Iranian Resistance Grand Gathering in Paris was foiled

The conspiracy of the terrorist dictatorship ruling Iran to attack the Grand Gathering of the Iranian Resistance in Villepinte, Paris was foiled. The mullahs’ regime’s terrorists in Belgium, helped by the regime’s diplomat terrorists, had designed for the attack.

A woman and a man involved in this terrorist act were arrested by the Belgian police. The woman had come from Iran to Belgium in 2009. In this regard, an Iranian regime’s diplomat has been arrested in Germany.

Iranian Resistance had repeatedly warned before about the terrorist preparations by the so-called “diplomats” of the regime and the mercenaries of the Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) and the Quds Force in various European countries.

Protests in different cities of Khuzestan province in support of Khorramshahr uprising

Iran, July 2, 2018 On Sunday, July 1, families of detainees gathered in front of the police headquarters and called for the release of their children and relatives.

During the night, people and youths in Ahwaz, Abadan, Mahshahr, Karoon, and Khormoussa rallied in support of the Khorramshahr uprising. The youth of Ahwaz began their demonstrations on Naderi Street chanting the slogans: “Death to the dictator”; “My life for the sake of Karoon (river); “The people of Khorramshahr are thirsty”; “Yes, yes to the revolution”.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, saluted the people and the youth of Khorramshahr and other cities of Khuzestan province, and described the shooting against defenseless people of Khorramshahr and suppressing their just demonstrations as an example of the crime against humanity and called for immediate action by the UN Security Council. She called on the Iranian people, especially the brave youth of Khuzestan province, to support the uprising of Khorramshahr.

Remove term: Mullahs’ regime diplomat-terrorist Mullahs’ regime diplomat-terrorist

Iran: Khorramshahr protest elevates standards

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, saluted the people and the youth of Khorramshahr and other cities of Khuzestan province, and described the shooting against defenseless people of Khorramshahr and suppressing their just demonstrations as an example of the crime against humanity and called for immediate action by the UN Security Council. She called on the Iranian people, especially the brave youth of Khuzestan province, to support the uprising of Khorramshahr.

Considering the fact that many cities have revolted against the regime recently, and the heroic strides the Iranian people have been taking in the past few months, rest assured in the not so distant future we will be witnessing with people in many other cities rising in the same fashion.This will definitely evolve and snowball into a nationwide uprising that will take Iran by a storm.Only through such a development will peace and security return to Iran and the entire Middle East.

Remove term: Mullahs’ regime diplomat-terrorist Mullahs’ regime diplomat-terrorist

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Monday’s Iran Events – July 2, 2018