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The Free Iran World Summit 2019

Iran Protests in January 2019

Iran Protests in January 2019

The protests in Iran continued in the first month of 2019 and included various strata.

The Iranian people, especially the youth have thus declared that the Iranian people do not want this government، and this establishment is not capable of solving their problems.

Iran protests in January 2019: according to the reports, 271 protest acts were held in 72 cities, villages, industrial and commercial areas, and so on. Based on these statistics, an average of 9 protests has taken place on daily basis.

Statistical report on Iran Protests in January:

The number of Iran protests in January 2019 is as follows:

Total number of protests was 271. On average, there were 9 protests a day.

Workers: 102

–              Plundered customers of financial institutes affiliated with the mullahs regime: 15

–              Retirees: 11

–              Educators: 18

–              Students: 8

–              Farmers: 20

–              Bazaar merchants: 1

–              Other strata: 83

–              Prisoners: 7

–              Prisoners’ hunger strike: 6

1. Workers:

In January, 102 protest gatherings were held by workers in 41 cities, commercial areas, and industrial centers. This is an average of three per day during this month. The protests were focused on unpaid wages from a few months to one and a half years, and other demands regarding the employment status of the workers, lay-off plans, job insecurity, and the workers’ dire livelihood.

The most significant protests of the workers were as follow:

The 7-day protest gathering held by the heavy machinery drivers in Phase 12 of Southern Pars in Bushehr(S).

The protest gatherings of the workers of Ahwaz Urban Train for several days

The protest gatherings of the workers of Ramp CO. in Assaluyeh for several days

The protest gathering of the municipal workers in cities of Neyshabur; Sarbandar; Marivan; Chouebdeh; Dezful; Shadegan; Abadan; Borujerd; Loushan; Andimeshk; Bijar; and Zarabad

2. Plundered customers:

In January, the plundered customers of various institutes, affiliated with the mullahs regime, staged 15 protest gathering in six Iranian cities demanding the return of their looted deposit from the following institutions:

• The Revolutionary Guards-affiliated Caspian Credit Institution in Tehran, Rasht, Mashhad and Kerman

• Padideh Tourism in Mashhad

• Badre Tous in Mashhad

• Talaye Samen in Tehran

• Padideh Institution in Tehran and Mashhad

• Kerman Motor in Tehran

• The Vermicompost Company in Dezful • And the urban construction project in Isfahan

3- Retirees:

In January, pensioners held 11 gatherings in three cities, protesting the non-payment of their pensions and their deplorable living conditions.                    

The pensioners’ protest gatherings were as follows:

– The protest gathering of retired servicemen, members of the Housing Cooperative in Tehran

– The protest gathering of retired civil servants in Tehran, and Mashhad

– The protest gathering of pensioners of Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Complex in Shush

– The protest gathering of Kian Tire retirees in Tehran

– The protest gathering of pensioners of Technical & Professional University in Tehran

– The protest gathering of retired teachers in Tehran 

4. Educators:

In January, teachers staged 18 protest gatherings in eight cities. They protested about poor living conditions, lack of job security, lack of official recruitment, low salaries and the failure of the government to meet their demands.

The main teachers’ protests were as follow:

– Scheduled protest gatherings of teachers in the cities of Isfahan; Kermanshah; Ardebil; Karaj; Khorramabad in protest against non-fulfillment of their demands by the government

– The protest gathering of teachers in Yazd City

– The protest gathering of the Baqmalek Preschool teachers

5- Students:

In January, students held eight protest rallies in five universities, the greatest were:

– The protest gathering of the students of Tehran’s Tarbiat Modares University (Teachers Training University) in sympathy with the students of Azad University, Science and Research Branch, whose classmates were killed in a bus accident

– The protest gathering of the students of Farhangian University against contractual employment of the teachers           

– The protest gathering of the students of the University of Medical Sciences in Shiraz to protest against the announcement of the establishment of private educational centers.

6- Farmers:

In January, farmers held 20 protest rallies in six cities to protest the violation of their right to water

7. Other strata:

In January, Iran also witnessed 83 more protest gathering in 32 cities, the most important of which were as follows:

– The protest gathering of bazaar merchants

– The protest gathering of workers of the Agricultural Insurance Fund from the all-around the country in Tehran against non-fulfillment of their recruitment plan

– The protest gathering of the employees of the National Iran Oil Company (NIOC), in Tehran, against their difficult livelihood

– The three-day rally in Sistan and Baluchestan Province over the Regime’s failure to finish the Zabol-Zahedan highway project

– The protest gathering of the families of the detained workers of the National Steel Group in Ahvaz

– The protest gathering held by the families of the victims of the Sanchi oil tanker disaster who demanded the bodies of their loved ones to be returned to them.

– The protest gatherings of law graduates against unemployment

– The protest gathering of the flood-stricken citizens of Rafi City against the shortage of equipment to repair the damaged levee and other flood damages

The continuation of Iran Protests in January 2019 indicates that the popular discontent can at any moment, erupt in form of a nationwide uprising which moves in the course of mullahs’ regime downfall.  

This report originally published in the Our Iran in Persian

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Iran Protests in January 2019