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The Free Iran World Summit 2019

The surge in the Iran’s protests in the 3rd week of February

A report on Iran’s protests in the 3rd week of February 2019

Coincident with the Warsaw conference, which was focused on the destabilizing role of the Iran regime in the Middle East, and the rallies of the supporters of the Iranian resistance (NCRI) in Europe, who demanded the international community to take a firm stance against Iran’s Mullahs, we witnessed an increase in the protests in the cities of Iran. The people from different walks of life, including workers, retirees, plundered people and other strata took to the streets, demanding their legitimate rights.

The people are well aware that the government is in complete deadlock and is unable to solve any problems. They shouted in their slogans:

“Both the Parliament and the Government do not care about the nation,” and “O, Savior, eradicate the cruel regime!”

The national protests will continue.

Statistical report on Iran’s protests:

Overall, there were 72, in Iran’s protests in the 3rd week of February, 2019, as follows:

Workers 24

Victims of financial fraud 10

Educators, students and retirees 8

Farmers and bazaar merchants 4

 Others 26

On the average, there were 10 protests a day

The most important protests of the Iran’s protests in the 3rd week of February were as follow:


–  Jahan Vegetable oil workers in Zanjan City staged protest gatherings for several days to protest their unpaid wages.

–  The railway workers in Tabriz (N. W.) staged protest gathering in the 3rd week of February, to protest their unpaid wages.

 –  The railway workers of Ahmad-Abad Tasrajkahe, in Sirjan City staged a protest gathering for their unpaid wages.

– Telecommunication workers and employees in East Azerbaijan province staged a protest gathering in Tabriz for the lack of job categorization and salary equalization.

– The municipal workers in the cities of Bostan (S.W.), Chābahār (Sistan and Baluchestan Province), Khorramabad (W.), Zanjan (N. W.), Bandar-e Khomeyni (S.) and Veys City, Khuzestan Province, staged gatherings and went on strikes in protest against unpaid wages.  

 Plundered customers of regime affiliated financial institutes:

During last week, plundered customers of Caspian Credit Institution (in the cities of Mashhad, Rasht, Tehran, Kermanshah, and Ilam), Samen Gold Site (Tehran), Badre Tous (Mashhad), Shadi jewelry store (Tehran Pars), Dehkadeh Abi Pars ( Garmdareh, Alborz Province), staged protest gathering.

The most important protests of the retirees during the Iran’s protests in the 3rd week of February were as follow:

  • Retired workers of Haft Tapeh sugarcane factory, staged protest gatherings for several days for not receiving their annual retirement bonuses. 
  • Retired employees of Shahid Foundations staged a gathering in Tehran in protest to not receiving their annual retirement bonuses.   


– A group of hourly-paid teachers in Alborz city, went on strike and refused to attend classes to protest non-payment of 9 months of their wages and overtime fees.


The most important students’ protest was:

– Dental Students in Bandar –Abbas, Hormozgan Province gathered to protest the lack of medical and educational facilities.


The most important protests of the farmers during the Iran’s protests in the 3rd week of February were as follow:

– Farmers in Khorasgan, Isfahan Province, gathered at the al-Nabi mosque in protest to the usurpation of their water rights and to evaluate the damages that they have received by government agencies.

– Farmers in Naghadeh, West Azarbaijan Province, staged a protest gathering in front of the sugar factory for not receiving several months of wages. 

Bazaar merchants:

–  A group of shopkeepers of Jannat Bazaar in Tehran, gathered to protest the loss of their properties.


Other important protests of the Iran’s protests in the 3rd week of February were as follow:

–  The employees the Saham-e Edalat offices staged gatherings in Tehran for several days in protest to the lack of job security, and wage arrears.

–  A number of conservationists gathered by Zayandeh Rood River in Isfahan, to protest against the negligence of the regime’s officials regarding the environment, cutting off the water current in the river, and to demand permanent flow in it.

– A group of individuals taking law exams gathered to demand an increase in admittance in 2019.

– The family of Ismail Bakhshi, a detained labor activist, together with a group of workers, gathered in Shush (S.W.) in protest to not releasing him.

– The families of the victims of Tehran Yasouj plane crash in 2017, staged a gathering in Terminal 4 at Mehrabad airport in Tehran.

– The employees of Firefighting Organization in Abadan (S.W.) staged protest gatherings for two days, demanding their unpaid wages.

– Health technicians, graduated from Torbat Heydarieh Medical University gathered in protest. They are not hired.

– At the introduction ceremony of the head of the Water and Electricity Organization in Khuzestan Province by the Minister of Energy, the conservationists and agricultural activists of Ahwaz (S.W.) protested against forthcoming plans for the water transfer.


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The surge in the Iran’s protests in the 3rd week of February