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MEK/PMOI rally in London in solidarity with uprisings

MEK/PMOI rally in London in solidarity with uprisings

Thousands of Iranians living in London are expected to demonstrate on the streets of central London this afternoon Saturday July 27 demanding comprehensive sanctions against the mullahs’ regime.

The London gathering also comes just two weeks after a five-day event at Ashraf 3, the new PMOI/MEK headquarters in Albania, where hundreds of dignitaries from over 50 countries gathered to voice their support for Iranian protesters and the objective of overthrowing the mullahs’ regime.

Demonstrators would urge listing of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), the Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) and Khamenei’s office as terrorist entities by the UK, while supporting the Iranian resistance and its president-elect, Maryam Rajavi, and her 10 point plan for the future of Iran.

Apart Iranian opposition figures, British as well as European dignitaries are attended to address the crowd. 

British MP Dr. Matthew Offord at the MEK/PMOI rally in London

MEK/PMOI rally in London
British MP Dr. Matthew Offord at the MEK/PMOI rally in London in support of regime change in Iran by the Iranian people – London – July 27, 2019

“It was an honor for me to lead a British delegation to Free Iran event in Ashraf 3, Albania. It was an opportunity to meet the people of Ashraf and hear their experiences and their hopes for the future,” said British MP Dr. Matthew Offord.

“We were convinced during our visit that Madam Rajavi represents an opportunity for the future of Iran. She seeks peace in the region. Recent events in the Persian Gulf show Iran is engaged in state piracy,” he continued in reference to Iranian opposition NCRI President Maryam Rajavi.

“Today our response should be firm, held on the principle that the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and the regime of Iran should be held to account to their atrocities. These organizations should be proscribed in their entirety under the terorrism act,” Dr. Offord continued.

“We should say we want to see regime change in Iran, led by Madam Rajavi, to achieve a better Iran and a better world order,” this British MP emphasized.

“We should recognize that the greatest asset for us is the bond of friendship between the people of Iran, the NCRI and the world. The people of Iran are ready to stand up for change,” Dr. Offord concluded.

 July 27 demanding comprehensive sanctions against the mullahs’ regime.

Demonstrators would urge listing of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), the Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) and Khamenei’s office as terrorist entities by the UK, while supporting the Iranian resistance and its president-elect, Maryam Rajavi, and her 10 point plan for the future of Iran.

Apart Iranian opposition figures, British as well as European dignitaries are attended to address the crowd. 

Iranian opposition President Maryam Rajavi at the MEK/PMOI rally in London

 the MEK/PMOI rally in London
Iranian opposition President Maryam Rajavi delivering a video speech to the London rally of Iranians in support of regime change in Iran by the Iranian people – London – July 27, 2019

“The message of the people of Iran and supporters of Ashraf is the same everywhere: freedom and a free Iran. The mullahs must go. Regime change and regime change… And we do not get tired of repeating and insisting on these calls. We will cry out and repeat them again and again until the day they are realized,” NCRI President Maryam Rajavi said in her speech.

“Our Resistance has proven that peace and freedom can only be earned through fighting the mullahs’ religious dictatorship. This is in diametric opposition to the proponents of appeasement who defend the regime under the guise of peace,” she added.

Criticizing the proponents of the appeasement policy toward the mullahs, Mrs. Rajavi said, “These gentlemen’s hollow calls for peace are tantamount to safeguarding the regime against the Iranian people’s desire and against human rights.”

“We urge Britain, Europe and all governments to halt giving concessions to the mullahs. Do not help them decrease the sanctions. Stand up to them. Place the IRGC and the mullahs’ Gestapo (Ministry of Intelligence and Security – MOIS), [Iranian regime Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei’s office and [President] Hassan Rouhani on the terror list,” the NCRI President highlighted.

“We urge you to set aside the policy of overlooking the main force in Iranian society and history. Instead of complicity and shaking hands with the religious fascism, stand on the side of the people of Iran for regime change,” she continued.

“I specifically urge the new UK government to support human rights, namely the suppressed human rights of the people of Iran. I urge them to take action to send an international fact-finding mission to Iran to visit the regime’s prisons and the political prisoners particularly, the women,” Mrs. Rajavi stressed.

“The era of religious fascism is coming to an end; Iran will be free. We will take back our most beautiful homeland by the resistance units and the Army of Freedom,” the NCRI President concluded.

Former MEP Struan Stevenson at the MEK/PMOI rally in London

 the MEK/PMOI rally in London
Former MEP Struan Stevenson at the MEK/PMOI rally in London in support of regime change in Iran by the Iranian people – London – July 27, 2019

“In the past few weeks, tens of thousands of supporters of NCRI supporters have gathered in Brussels, Washington, Berlin, Tirana, Stockholm and here,” said former MEP Struan Stevenson.

“After suffering many attacks in Ashraf and Liberty, MEK has risen from its ashes in Ashraf 3, Albania,” he continued.

“We have shown the world in the past few weeks the strength of our movement. The Guardian should be ashamed of the rubbish they publish. It’s a disgrace that newspapers like the Guardian still follow the appeasement policy with the mullahs. Why don’t they support the Iranian people who want human rights, women’s rights, justice, peace?” asked Mr. Stevenson.

“These newspapers claim the choice is between war and appeasement. We do not see war, we see courage, resilience. We must show our support for the people of Iran and the Iranian resistance,” the former MEP emphasized.

“My message to Boris Johnson and his government. Please respect the PMOI and its charismatic leader Mrs. Rajavi. Please respect their struggle for regime change. We don’t need intervention. We must just support the people and the resistance,” Mr. Stevenson highlighted in a message to the new UK government.

“This criminal regime has added international piracy to its long list of transgressions. It has become a universal pariah. It is supporting terrorism while its 80 million citizen struggle in poverty. It executes dissidents and hangs people in public. It has executed more than 3,500 people under the so-called ‘moderate’ Hassan Rouhani,” he added.

“We stand shoulder to shoulder with the resistance and with the MEK,” Mr. Stevenson concluded.

Former MEP Jim Higgins

at the MEK/PMOI rally in London
Former MEP Jim Higgins at the MEK/PMOI rally in London in support of regime change in Iran by the Iranian people – London – July 27, 2019

“A country that hangs its own citizens is barbaric. A company that suppresses its own people is a tyranny that must be removed,” said former MEP Jim Higgins.

“We rejoice in the fact that Ashraf 3 in Albania is such a success. The mullahs know the clock is ticking and their days are numbered,” he added.

“40 years ago, the Shah left Iran. A vacuum was created. It should have been the dawn of freedom and democracy. But we’re here today because that 1979 dream turned into a nightmare. We’re here to make sure that dream is realized,” Mr. Higgins continued.

“We pledge our support to do anything possible to make that dream come true. We’re here to send a strong message to the regime: your days are numbered. Hand over to a real democracy. Hand over to a real president, to Mrs. Rajavi,” the former MEP concluded.

Irish Senator Gerry Horkan

at the MEK/PMOI rally in London
Irish Senator Gerry Horkan at the MEK/PMOI rally in London in support of regime change in Iran by the Iranian people – London – July 27, 2019

“The strong attendance of thousands of Iranians and politicians in these events debunked claims by some media that Mrs. Rajavi and NCRI have no support,” said Irish Senator Gerry Horkan.

“The 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners is evidence of the regime’s fear toward the MEK and the resistance movement. The regime has been waging assault on the rights of the Iranian people for over 40 years, and has destroyed their economy through its corruption,” he added.

“We urge the EU and the UK government to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization as the main tool for the regime to export terrorism. We must alter the policies of our government to recognize the rights of the Iranian people,” the Irish Senator highlighted.

Dowlat Nowruzi, NCRI Representative in the UK

 the MEK/PMOI rally in London
Dowlat Nowruzi, NCRI Representative in the UK, at the MEK/PMOI rally in London in support of regime change in Iran by the Iranian people – London – July 27, 2019

“We are here to convey the four decades of suffering of the Iranian people. We are here to convey the main aspiration of the Iranian people, demanding justice, demanding freedom, demanding regime change and demanding support for Mrs. Rajavi,” said Dowlat Nowruzi, NCRI Representative in the UK.

“Decisiveness is the only solution to dealing with this regime. Our resistance movement has paid the highest price for the rights of the Iranian people,” she added.

“Enough is enough! The mullahs must go. They do not represent the Iranian people. We want regime change now,” Ms. Nowruzi continued.

“The main message of protesters across Iran is ‘hardliners, reformists, the game is over.’ Massoud Rajavi called for solidarity for the millions of people in Iran and the hundreds of thousands who poured onto the streets for their rights. The people of Iran deserve the violators of human rights who are occupying the top to bottom of this regime to face justice,” the NCRI Representative in the UK emphasized.

“It is time for the UK government to realize that they must lead in Europe for a policy toward Iran. As Ashraf 3 proved to the world community, this movement is committed in its entirety it is dedicated to freedom in Iran. They proved they can build the future of Iran,” she continued.

“The recent terror attempts of the regime are all indications that the world community must be united with the NCRI for a policy of regime change in Iran,” Ms. Nowruzi concluded.

British MP Roger Godsiff at the MEK/PMOI rally in London

the MEK/PMOI rally in London
British MP Roger Godsiff at the MEK/PMOI rally in London support of regime change in Iran by the Iranian people – London – July 27, 2019

“The UK must recognize the rights of the Iranian people for regime change and support the NCRI and Mrs. Rajavi’s ten-point plan for the future of Iran,” said British MP Roger Godsiff.

“The main barrier to democratic change in Iran is the IRGC. I welcome the decision of the U.S. government to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization and to place sanctions on the office of the supreme leader. I hope our government in the UK takes similar steps,” he continued.

“This brutal regime only understands the language of firmness. The int’l community must make clear to the regime and its officials that we in the free world stand with the people of Iran and their resistance movement to bring about democracy and human rights in Iran,” Mr. Godsiff added.

“We fully support the NCRI and we look forward to the day where we can be Iran and celebrate a free and democratic Iran,” the British MP concluded.

Former MEP Paolo Casaca at the MEK/PMOI rally in London

Former MEP Paolo Casaca at the London rally of Iranians in support of regime change in Iran by the Iranian people – London – July 27, 2019

“Tomorrow, we will remember the 10th anniversary of the first massacre in Ashraf. It was followed by another massacre in 2011 and again in September 2013, as well as massacres in Camp Liberty. I pay homage to all these heroes who fell in these massacres and those who have been disabled for life,” said former MEP Paolo Casaca.

“We will think about them. But we must also think about the present and about ways to confront this regime which is a monster to its people and its neighbors. We must think about ways to confront the sea of lies being thrown at the Iranian opposition. We have seen ludicrous lies and fabricated accounts in newspapers here in England,” he added. 

“The mullahs want to steal the past of the Iranian people to prevent them from obtaining the future. The past of the Iranian people, Cyrus the Great, Sattar Khan, Mossadegh, and of course Massoud Rajavi, they are your heritage, and you are going to make an Iran that is absolutely in line with its past glories, after putting the mullahs away and putting behind this dark era of your history… The future is yours,” Mr. Casaca concluded.

Former British MP Brian Binley at the MEK/PMOI rally in London

 the MEK/PMOI rally in London
Former British MP Brian Binley at the MEK/PMOI rally in London in support of regime change in Iran by the Iranian people – London – July 27, 2019

“The regime has moved to arrest hundreds of PMOI supporters and their families in Iran because the popular protests are undermining the regime’s power. The regime is showing with its own actions that we should support the NCRI and Madam Rajavi if we want to counter the regime’s malign activities. They represent a true and viable alternative to the current regime,” said former British MP Brian Binley.

“The attacks we’ve witnessed in the past months prove the regime sees the NCRI as its main threat. The regime is warning about the growing support for the Iranain resistance,” he added. 

“Boris Johnson needs to change the policy that was pursued by previous governments that were frightened to oppose the regime, a regime that is not supported by the people. We need change in the British government,” Mr. Binley concluded.

Denise Lester, Member of The Law Society of England and Wales

the MEK/PMOI rally in London
Denise Lester, Member of The Law Society of England and Wales, at the MEK/PMOI rally in London in support of regime change in Iran by the Iranian people – London – July 27, 2019

“The Law Society has called for the release of Iranian lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh after defending women who took part in protests. Lawyers must be able to perform their judicial functions without hindrance and harassment,” said Denise Lester, Member of The Law Society of England and Wales.

“We support you in the cause for human rights, women’s rights and democracy in Iran,” she concluded.

Roger Lyons, former president of the UK Trade Unions Congress

 the MEK/PMOI rally in London
Roger Lyons, former president of the UK Trade Unions Congress, at the MEK/PMOI rally in London in support of regime change in Iran by the Iranian people – London – July 27, 2019

“In Ashraf 3, we saw impressive constructions. But it is only temporary, until it goes back in Tehran,” said Roger Lyons, former president of the UK Trade Unions Congress.

“We’re here because the mullahs are falling apart. They tried a terror plot against the Paris conference last year. Then they tried to blow us up in Albania, and their ambassador was expelled.

Lyons referred to the bankrupt state of the Iraniain economy and the abysmal human rights conditions, including the imprisonment of British national Nazanin Zaghari.

I also wish to state a remark to Jeremy Corbyn. We aren’t happy with the support he has given to the mullahs. We aren’t happy that he has been paid by PressTV to spread propaganda for the Iranian regime. You should support the Iranian resistance, not the mullahs.

Resistance in Iran is growing under the leadership of NCRI and Mrs. Rajavi. The mullahs are falling out.

Iraqi jurist Dr. Mohamed al-Sheikhli

Iraqi jurist Dr. Mohammad al-Sheikhli at the MEK/PMOI rally in London in support of regime change in Iran by the Iranian people – London – July 27, 2019

“The PMOI represents the dreams of the Iranian people. We must remember the victims of the mullahs’ regime and the blood that was shed for freedom,” said Iraqi jurist Dr. Mohamed al-Sheikhli.

“Let us remember the role of the champions, the Ashraf residents before the government of former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki and agents of the Iranian regime. The mullahs are violating international law. They’re a serious threat to global security. The actions of the mullahs in and around the Strait of Hormuz proves this regime does not respect and adhere to international laws. It supports death squads in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. The mullahs’ regime evades sanctions by controlling the Iraqi people’s money and stealing the country’s oil resources,” he added.

“This is part of the regime’s expansion plans in the Middle East region. The regime is also planting terrorists and death squads in the EU through its embassies. The EU and UK must take urgent action and shut down these embassies to preserve the security of their citizens,” Dr. al-Sheikhli continued. 

“The crimes of the bloody regime should not be forgotten. The international community must form an international tribunal against the regime for its crimes against the Iranian people, the Iraqi, Lebanese and Syrian people,” the prominent Iraqi jurist emphasized.

“This regime seeks to obtain nuclear weapons. The international community must take responsibility to confront this criminal regime. They need to tighten sanctions in all forms against this regime. The international community is fully aware that the true alternative to this regime is the leadership of Maryam Rajavi and the PMOI. They are the true hope for the Iranian people and the people of ME,” Dr. al-Sheikhli concluded.

Iranian community delegation

 MEK/PMOI rally in London
Members of the Iranian community in the UK attending the MEK/PMOI rally in London in support of regime change in Iran by the Iranian people – London – July 27, 2019

Comments by members of the Iraniain community in the UK:

“We are a generation who have never seen our homes, whose parents were tortured and executed by the mullahs, whose aunts and uncles were massacred in Ashraf and Liberty, whose brothers and sisters are being beaten in Tehran’s streets and attacked by the mullahs thugs. The Iranian regime has failed in suppressing us.”

“With heroes in Ashraf 3, how can we not have courage? How can we not be hopeful? How can we not be strong with the leadership of Maryam Rajavi? We will continue to carry the flag of 120,000 martyrs. Free Iran is the true desire of the Iranian people. We call on Boris Johson to stand on the right side of history and support the Iranian people. Recognize the NCRI and Maryam Rajavi as the true alternative that can bring freedom and democracy to Iran.”

Members of the Iranian community in the UK attending the London rally of Iranians in support of regime change in Iran by the Iranian people – London – July 27, 2019

“The people are rising across Iran. They have one clear message: The mullahs’ regime must go. This regime has only brought pain and hardship for the Iranian people and their neighbors. We show our support for the youth in Iran. You are strong and steadfast and you are an inspiration to us all.”

“We stand here to say in one united voice that we want regime change. The Iranian people have the right to decide their own future. Boris Johnson has a duty to stand with the Iranin people.  Appeasement has only resulted in hostage-taking and terrorism by the regime. We demand the IRGC and the entirety of the mullahs’ regime to be put on the list of terrorist organizations.”
“Victory is ours. The future is ours.”

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