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Gasoline prices in Iran led to wide spared demonstration

Gasoline prices in Iran led to wide spared demonstration

While the Iranian people are in poverty and the economic situation is at its worst, the mullahs have put new pressure on the people by increasing the price of fuel three-fold.

Since Iran’s oil exports have almost stopped under U.S. sanctions, the government has decided to extort money from Iranian people to fund terrorist groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and militia groups in Iraq and Yemen and to help Bashar al-Assad.

On November 15, 2019; the outraged people in Iran flooded in the streets and launched widespread protests against raising gasoline prices. They addressed Khamenei and Rouhani, chanting the slogan, “Dictator, Shame on You, let go of the country!”

The regime’s decision, to reduce rationing and increase the price of fuel by 300% triggered a series of angry protests mainly in the cities of oil-rich Khuzestan, southwest Iran.

Youths in Ahvaz, southwest of Iran, protested late into the night against rising gasoline prices. They reject the intervention of the regime in the countries of the region, chanting: “Let go of Syria, think about us!”


Road closure in protest of high gasoline prices

The youth explains, “Today, the people of Bandar Rig [a port in southwest Iran] have blocked the main way of this port in protest of the rising gasoline prices and prevented loaded trucks from crossing.


The outraged people in Bushehr, south-central Iran, launched a strike against rising gasoline prices in front of the buildings of provincial authorities by stopping their cars. They announced that they will continue their strike to achieve their demands.


In Gachsaran, the people launched a strike against rising gasoline price. The brave youths in Gachsaren staged a massive strike in protest to rising gasoline prices and blocked the streets by turning off and abandoning their cars in the streets.


Protests against the unexpected hike in price of fuel in Iran has spread to the second-largest city, Mashhad, northwest of the country.

Youths in the city of Mashhad blocked the streets in protest to rising gasoline prices.


On Saturday morning, the people of Shiraz went on strike to protest the rise in gasoline prices and blocked the streets of the city by their cars.


In Isfahan, Kharrazi highway, people set up a massive strike in protest of high gasoline prices by turning off their cars.


The people of Birjand city, northeast Iran, protested against rising gas price by the regime and demanded other fellow-citizens to support them. They chant the slogan, “Our brave fellow-citizens, support us.”


In Behbahan, southwest Iran, the youths rallied in the main square of the city and chanted the slogan, “We will get our rights and we will not accept abasement”!


In Tehran in Imam Ali highway, people blocked Imam Ali highway by switching off the cars in protest of rising gasoline prices

Higher fuel prices will lead to more popular dissatisfaction It will also lead to more inflation, making life harder for ordinary people already squeezed by a 40 percent inflation rate.

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Gasoline prices in Iran led to wide spared demonstration