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Support of General Italian Confederation of Labour-CGIL for Iran protests in November

Support of General Italian Confederation of Labour-CGIL for Iran protests in November

General Italian Confederation of Labour-CGIL, with more than 5 million members in province of Pesaro and Urbino, Italy, announced its solidarity with the Iran protests in a statement.

General Italian Confederation of Labour-CGIL’s statement

Iran’s theocratic regime has been in power for 40 years and these days has responded violently to peaceful protests organized by Iranian workers and citizens. The regime has resorted to outright repression to quell the rightful protests of thousands of Iranians.

The protesters came to the streets peacefully to protests gas price hikes and subsistence wages that was taken from them.

According to reports by international human rights agencies and associations, including Amnesty International:

Hundreds have been killed and thousands have been injured and thousands have been arrested and will be tried in a court with a judge from the regime itself. 

General Italian Confederation of Labour-CGIL, in the cities of Pesaro and Urbino provinces, proves its support for the workers and students and all Iranian citizens who have taken part in recent Iran protests demanding their rights and sympathizes with their struggle for freedom and democracy.

We call on the Iranian government to put an end to the suppression and killing as soon as possible and let the EU and the UN follow this situation because they are both experienced and specialized.

Roberto Rossini è Secretary-General of General Italian Confederation of Labour-CGIL, in province of Pesaro and Urbino.


The number of martyrs of the Iran uprising which involved 191 cities across the country, has now exceeded 1,500. More than 4,000 persons have been wounded or injured during the Iran protests, and over 12,000 persons have been arrested.  

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Support of General Italian Confederation of Labour-CGIL for Iran protests in November