Mullahs’ spy nests; shut them down

The exposure of Iran-related terrorist networks in Europe has been extremely alarming. It seems that the European governments are now aware of the mullahs’ terrorist threats. The time to turn a blind eye on the destructive role of the mullahs’ spy nests is over. It is not a secret that the Iranian regime has abused […]
Independent judiciary; What the Iranians expect to have in a free Iran

Human social evolution history tells us there is no dictator, who would not attempt to preserve its power over people through all kind of suppression, deception, and crime. In this regard, dictators the law enforcement to an oppressive organ, although they pretend that they respect an independent judiciary. Religious dictatorship ruling Iran has deprived its […]
Corrupt Iran judiciary, the leverage of oppressing Iranian people

Corrupt Iran judiciary, the leverage of oppressing Iranian people Iran judiciary embedded in the rule of the fundamentalist mullahs is a typical example of a body which blatantly acts in contradiction to the international norms. In 1748, Montesquieu enunciated the theory of separation of powers, which suggests that the three branches of a government must […]