Congressman Ted Poe sends a message of solidarity with Iran protests and MEK

Former Congressman Ted Poe sends a message of solidarity with Iran protests and MEK Judge Ted Poe, former member of the United States House of Representatives from Texas, in a video message expressed his solidarity with the nationwide Iran protests and the main Iranian opposition group, People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or […]
MEK supporters in Hague commemorate the 40th day of the martyrs of Iran protests

MEK supporters in Hague commemorate the 40th day of the martyrs of Iran protests By staff MEK supporters in central church of the Hague paid tribute to martyrs of Iran protests, condemning the killing of protesters by the mullahs, and they called on the United Nations to send a fact-finding mission to Tehran to investigate […]
Testimony by MEK/PMOI witness Kobra Jokar, Ashraf 3, Albania

Testimony by MEK/PMOI witness Kobra Jokar, Ashraf 3, Albania My name is Kobra Jokar, I spent 6 years in the Iranian regime’s prisons. The Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) arrested me while I was pregnant. They battered me and ignored our neighbor, an elderly man who begged them not to beat me. They took me to the […]
West should support Iran Resistance (NCRI)

West should support Iran Resistance (NCRI) By Daniel Mahdavi As tensions rise between the Iranian regime and the West, experts are taking part in vigorous public discussion about what policy is right for dealing with Iran, but many of them will overlook the obvious answer that is right in front of their eyes: supporting the […]
Paris municipality holds exhibition in commemoration of victims of the 1988 massacre in Iran

Paris municipality holds exhibition in commemoration of victims of the 1988 massacre in Iran On the International Day of the Forcibly Disappeared, the municipality of the 1st arrondissement of Paris held an exhibition in condemnation of the massacre of 30,000 Iranian political prisoners in 1988. Several French dignitaries attended the event and delivered speeches on […]
How much support does Iran’s Mojahedin-e-Khalq(MEK) have?

How much support does Iran’s Mojahedin-e-Khalq(MEK) have? If you search the internet, you might find different opinions about the Iranian regime and the Iranian society. You might even find various political or so-called opposition groups criticizing the mullahs’ regime. Yet it is funny to see how the regime ignores them; it is simple: they are […]
Activities of the resistance units, PMOI/MEK’s supporters, in marking the International Workers’ Day

Maryam Rajavi: Workers and toilers of Iran, congratulating you for the International Workers’ Day! Resistance unit, the PMOI/MEK’s supporters, May 2019 Maryam Rajavi: Realizing the Rights of Workers rest on toppling the Velayat-e Faqih Rule Maryam Rajavi: The workers and toilers of Iran, the power of freedom lies in your anguish, determination, and might! Maryam […]
Iranian rally on Women’s Day in Washington D.C.

Iranian rally on Women’s Day, in Washington D.C., is to express solidarity with suppressed Iranian women and to echo their voice in the world. Iranian rally on Women’s Day will be held at 11:00 AM on Friday, March 8, under the title of “Free Iran March”. The rally will also aim at supporting the Iranian […]
Iranian women’s struggle on the eve of International Women’s Day

Iranian women ‘s struggle on the eve of International Women’s Day The 20th century was the era of both the formation and escalation of women’s liberation movements in course of realizing women’s equal rights in all of its aspects, to put an end to gender discrimination. It was for these struggles that despite major hurdles […]
Messages from some resistance units from cities of Quchan, Saveh and Shiraz

Messages from some resistance units from cities of Quchan, Saveh, and Shiraz We received no.11 message of the Liberation Army and we are ready for regime change phase, Resistance unit-702, Saveh city, Nov.14, 2018 Brother Masoud, the great Chief Commander of the Liberation Army, we heard your message whole-heartedly and say, ready, ready, ready, resistance […]