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MEK, the most determining factor of the Iran uprising

Activities of resistance units led by MEK to support of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi

MEK, the most determining factor of the Iran uprising Iran uprising; against the mullahs regime in its entirety On the last days of 2017, while many people were waiting for Church bells to mark Christmas in various parts of the world, a new uprising sparked in the streets and alleys of the Iranian cities, which […]

Peace, the goal that will be achieved through the Iranian opposition

Peace, the goal that will be achieved through the Iranian opposition

Peace, the goal that will be achieved through the Iranian opposition Iran-Iraq war Over the 40 past years, the mullahs’ regime has symbolized an anti-peace and anti-stability government in the Middle East and the world. In 1979, as soon as Khomeini seized power in Iran he began to provoke the Iraqi Shiites against their government, […]

Where does the truck drivers strike head towards?

truck drivers

Where does the truck drivers strike head towards? In recent months, protests and strikes by various Iranian trade unions and organizations, including workers, teachers, and farmers, as a nationwide strike, derived from the deteriorating livelihood and the increasing economic tensions, have thrown down a serious challenge to the mullahs’ regime. In connection with the growing […]

Who are Iran’s resistance units?

Resistance Units

What are resistance units? Resistance units are the smallest units of the Resistance’s force; the ‘resistance units’ are the fundamental blocks of the MEK network inside Iran. A resistance unit is a group of more than two individuals formed in a neighborhood, university, factory, school, etc. which is in contact with the MEK and acts […]

The Iranian regime pinpoints its true alternative


The Iranian regime pinpoints its true alternative On June 30, 2018, at the Iranian Grand Gathering in Paris, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi stated: “Since the January uprising, the signs of change in Iran and the regime’s overthrow have appeared. The prospects for the victory of Iran’s democratic revolution, devoid of the mullahs and the Shah are […]

Rudy Giuliani: “I will be with you in a Free Iran much sooner than they think”

Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani: I will be with you in a Free Iran much sooner than mullahs think On Saturday 22nd September, a huge crowd of Iranian-Americans took part in a gathering named “2018 Iran Uprising Summit: The Path to Freedom – the Alternative”. European and American politicians spoke at the event that was organised by the […]

OIAC Holds Up, “The Path to Freedom-the Alternative”


OIAC Holds Up, “The Path to Freedom-The Alternative” On Saturday, Sep 22, 2018, an important meeting will be held by the Organization of Iranian American Communities (OIAC) in the United States in advance of the UN Summit (September 25th) and the Security Council meeting (September 26th). The title of this meeting is “The Path to […]

 Getting to know The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK)


 Getting to know The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) is the largest and the most organized Iranian opposition group. The MEK was established in 1965 and had a key role in the overthrow of the Shah’s monarchic dictatorship. The MEK rejected the principle of the “Velayat-e faqih, […]

Ramin Hossein-Panahi: The ceremony of respecting and placing flowers for Kurdish political prisoners were executed by the Iran’s brutal regime

Ramin Hossein Panahi

Ramin Hossein Panahi Kurdish political prisoners were executed by the Iran’s brutal regime The Iranian regime hanged three Kurdish political prisoners, Ramin Hossein-Panahi, 24, Zanyar Moradi, 30, and Loghman Moradi, 32, in Gohardasht Prison, Karaj. Faced with overwhelming popular outrage and detestation, the regime carried out the executions despite repeated international calls, to terrorize the public […]