Iran’s Regime IRGC Quds Force Commander, Threatens U.S. With Terrorist Attacks

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Quds Force chief Esmail Ghaani threatened to attack US troops in the Middle East. Ghaani(Qaani): “To Americans I say, you still have time to leave our region in disgrace, or else you will be expelled… worse than Afghanistan.” Qaani: “The soft and hard capacity… [of Iran’s regime] has reached a point that […]
The Role of the Quds Force of Iran’ IRGC in Destabilizing in the Region Using UAV Revealed at the Iranian Resistance Conference

Wednesday, October 6, 2021: The U.S. Representative Office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI-US) held a press conference to unveil previously undisclosed aspects of the Iranian regime’s massive UAV program by the terrorist Quds Force. NCRI-US disclosed the production sites and the program’s complete cycle, from production to deployment, and from training […]
Human Rights abuses continue in Iran

Human Rights abuses continue in Iran The Iranian regime is in a desperate position. After the death of Qassem Soleimani of the notorious Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC) Quds Force, the regime’s isolation has become more and more evident. Therefore, the regime has continued to suppress the people of Iran to intimidate them into submission […]
Iranians both inside Iran and outside celebrate Soleimani’s death

By Staff Iranians both inside Iran and outside celebrate Soleimani’s death Freedom loving Iranians and supporters of the Resistance inside Iran have been celebrating the death of notorious terrorist and the second highest-ranking Iranian official Qasem Soleimani. They are also loudly calling for the death of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, who they recognise as the cause […]
Qassem Soleimani’s funeral is a pure propaganda by Iran’s regime

By Staff Qassem Soleimani’s funeral is a pure propaganda by Iran’s regime Iranian state-run media has been spreading this bogus claim that millions of Iranians attended the regime’s top military commander Qasem Soleimani’s funeral in Tehran on Monday, with aerial images showing a massive crowd. This was something that Western media were quick to republish […]
Iran public and defiant youths celebrate Soleimani’s death

By Staff Iran public and defiant youths celebrate Soleimani’s death The Iranian public, especially the defiant youths, have welcomed the death of notorious terrorist Qassem Soleimani, commander of the notorious Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)’s Qods Force, despite what the Iranian regime is trying to project. Their reactions can be seen in the defiant anti-regime activities that […]
Iranian-Canadians, supporters of MEK rally in North York after death of Qassem Soleimani

Iranian-Canadians, supporters of MEK rally in North York after death of Qassem Soleimani CP24, a Canadian News Network gave coverage to a protest by the Iranian-Canadians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), also known as the Mujahedin-e Khalq or the MEK, in Toronto’s North York, celebrating the death of the Iranian regime’s notorious General Qassem Soleimani, on Friday. This rally happened at around the same […]
Qassem Soleimani commander of Iran regime’s terrorist Quds Force eliminated

Qassem Soleimani commander of Iran regime’s terrorist Quds Force eliminated By Staff Qassem Soleimani, the notorious commander of the Iranian reigme’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) terrorist Quds Force was killed on January 2 by a US military strike in Iraq. Soleimani was hated by the Iranian people for crimes committed against the Iranian people and […]
Mola al-Movahedin Charity Institute owns 100% of Mahan Airlines

The Mola al-Movahedin predatory governmental Institute disguised as a charity is another example of the mullahs regime’s and IRGC’s dominance over Iran’s economy. They spend Iranian people’s plundered properties and assets to advance the evil intentions of warmongering and the spread of fundamentalism and terrorism around the world as well as for guaranteeing the survival […]
Mahan Air, a tool for espionage and terror

Mahan Air, a tool for espionage and terror In their 40 years of ruling Iran, the mullahs have proven that this regime exploits every opportunity for espionage, terror, and other illegitimate purposes. It’s not a secret that its income from foreign trade is spent mainly for the oppression of the Iranian population, and for warmongering […]