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The Free Iran World Summit 2019

Vidal-Quadras: We expect the EU to expel the Iranian regime’s diplomats

Vidal-Quadras: It is clear that such decisions to perform these attacks require approval at the highest level of the Iranian regime.

Let me say a few words to conclude these very productive meeting, after everything we have been listening to.

It is clear that this new wave of Iranian regime’s terrorism is a new wave because it has been explained very clearly. They have done it in the past many times, so what they are doing now is a new wave of terrorism because they did it in the past already. This is not the work of isolated Individual or group, this is the work of a political regime’s killing machine inside its borders and also they try to do the same outside the borders of Iran.

It is also clear that such decisions to perform these attacks require approval at the highest level of the Iranian regime. So these attacks could not be possible without the approval of Supremes Security Council headed by President Rouhani himself or by, of course, the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei.

The assertion that this could be the work of some rogue element within the Iranian regime, this is pure nonsense, it is absolutely false without any evidence. Such an assertion is only to provide cover up for continuing the policy of appeasement vis-a-vis the Iranian regime. The European Union must abandon this conciliatory approach and adopt a firm position. The High Representative Mrs. Federica Mogherini, must end her silence and condemned these terrorist actions by the Iranian regime and condemn them clearly and loudly.

We expect the European countries to expel the Iranian regime’s diplomats and agents from European territory because their presence in European territory is putting our lives in risk. So I think it’s quite reasonable to send them away in order not to be killed as it could have happened in Villepinte on the 30th of June.

Appeasement does not work with the Iranian totalitarian theocracy. It has not worked in the past, it is not working now, and it will not work in the future. This is a widely approved evidence and the later the European Union acknowledges it is the worse the consequences will be. We must learn the lessons of history that there are enemies that can be subdued, or turn into friends by means of dialogue or negotiation. And there are enemies that must be defeated. If we do not understand the kind of enemy we are confronting, the result is a failure. Unfortunately, neither the European institutions nor the European natural governments have understood the real nature of the Iranian regime and this is the reason why our policies in the Middle East have never succeeded.

The conclusion of this panel I think is very clear. It is time to change our approach and to promote regime change in Iran.

Thank you.

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Vidal-Quadras: We expect the EU to expel the Iranian regime’s diplomats