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Remarks by Egidijus Vareikis in Webinar on Iran’s 1988 Massacre

Cross-party Members of Parliament from both the UK and European countries took part in a virtual conference on Thursday, 10 September 2020, to support the global campaign to seek justice for victims of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran.
Prominent human rights lawyers, a former UN official, the UK Representative of the Iranian Resistance Movement (NCRI), European parliamentarians and dignitaries also participated in the conference, which heard testimonies from the family members of the victims of the 1988 massacre.
Speakers agreed that the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran in 1988 is an ongoing crime against humanity ordered by the highest authority in the country at the time. They also argued that the appalling human rights situation in Iran is a direct result of the failure of the international community to hold the perpetrators of the 1988 massacre to account.

The keynote speaker at this event was Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

Egidijus Vareikis MP joined the Online Parliamentary Conference by Cross-Party UK, European MPs and Prominent Jurists on 1988 Massacre in Iran. In his remarks, Mr. Vareikis said, “The international community must hold the regime to account for human rights violations, warmongering, seeking nuclear weapons, and it must support the Iranian people and its resistance movement.”

Egidijus Vareikis MP:

I totally support the call by the speakers regarding an independent investigation into the massacre of political prisoners in Iran. the international cannot ignore this anymore. Today we are seeing the results in the continued repression of the Iranian people by the regime.

The realities on the ground in Iran require the attention of the international community. Iran cannot investigate its own crimes. I support the re-imposition of UN sanctions on the regime.

The international community must hold the regime to account for human rights violations, warmongering, seeking nuclear weapons, and it must support the Iranian people and its resistance movement. We must unite to hold the regime to account.

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Remarks by Egidijus Vareikis in Webinar on Iran’s 1988 Massacre