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Denmark terror plot, the latest act of Iran’s state-sponsored terrorism

A serious concern has been growing on the role of the Iranian regime following the foiled Denmark terror plot, as a link in a chain of attempted terrorist attacks on the Iranian dissidents abroad.

Earlier this year, there were terror attacks in Albania and France which were planned to target the main opposition to the Iran regime, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its core group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). In the most recent event, the Danish government revealed that it had apprehended a suspect with ties to the Iranian regime over the involvement in the Denmark terror plot, to target a refugee.


Last August, the US Department of Justice arrested two Iranians on espionage charges. Their targets were members of the NCRI. One of the two, Majid Ghorbani, had photos of opposition members in his possession, prompting the assumption that they were preparing an attack. The indictment brought against Ghorbani described his involvement in a plot to kidnap and kill a leading NCRI member, Mr. Ali Safavi.

After the Denmark terror plot, the government has gained access to a pamphlet at the Iranian embassy with the names of several exiled opposition members of the Iranian regime on it. Two former intelligence agency heads consider it as some kind of a ‘death list’, the Danish paper, House Jyllands-Posten, revealed.

One of the names on the list was the subject of regime’s former terror attack in the Netherlands and the three other names are Iranians living in exile in Denmark.

Several parties in Denmark called for an investigation into the role of the Iranian Embassy in Copenhagen in Denmark terror plot against Iranian exiles, and immediate tossing the culprits out of Denmark.

“I think that some clear indications have surfaced regarding a specific death list from the Iranian Embassy concerning some people they want to remove from the surface of the earth. And we simply need to get to the bottom of that,” stated Michael Aastrup Jensen, the Foreign Relations spokesman for the Danish Liberal Party.


The Danish Foreign Minister, Anders Samuelsen, announced that he has summoned his ambassador to Tehran after arresting the Iranian intelligence officer in Denmark.

At the same time, Morteza Moradian, the Iranian regime’s ambassador in Copenhagen, was summoned and was told that “this issue is important and incomprehensible.”

Anders Samuelson said at a news conference that his country was trying to urge the European Union to impose new sanctions on Tehran in response to the Iranian regime’s action to carry out the Denmark terror plot.

The detained Norwegian citizen with the Iranian root was a computer engineer and was working in a cell belonging to the Iranian intelligence services. He has been seen in the Iranian embassy in Oslo.

Five Scandinavian countries issued a statement expressing deep concern about the conspiracy of “assassination” by the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and vowing to confront the Iranian threats.

Mike Pompeo, the United States Secretary of State, congratulated the government of Denmark on its arrest of an Iranian mercenary on Denmark terror plot and stipulated that Europe has been the target of Iran-sponsored terrorist attacks for nearly 40 years.

In a message, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the NCRI, while lauding the Danish government for standing up and resolving against the fanatical terrorism of religious fascism ruling in Iran, emphasized that the European Union should immediately put the MOIS on the list of terrorists.

Mrs. Rajavi stated that silence on Iran’s state-sponsored terrorism is the most damaging kind of appeasement regarding the religious dictatorship.


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Denmark terror plot, the latest act of Iran’s state-sponsored terrorism