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Why Iran is a threat?

Why Iran is a threat?

Destroying Israel has become an “achievable goal” thanks to the Iranian regime’s technological advances, the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards claimed on Monday.

“This sinister regime must be wiped off the map and this is no longer a dream but an achievable goal,” Major General Hossein Salami said, as quoted by the Guards’ Sepah news site.

“Four decades on from Iran’s Islamic revolution, we have managed to obtain the capacity to destroy the imposter Zionist regime”, Salami said.

This is not the first time that the Iranian regime has threatened to wipe Israel off map. During his tenure, former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad repeatedly threatened Israel and said on several occasions that the country “must be wiped off the map.” Ahmadinejad also denied the Holocaust, the massacre of Jews by Nazi Germany during World War II.

When we say that Iran is a threat, it is not just one country that has threatened another, but it is an ideology and strategy that the Iranian regime has adopted.

Threatening other countries to be wiped off the world map or threatening them to war is against international law and world peace.

But the path that the Iranian regime has chosen is to wage war all over the region. Iran is a threat because it is a state sponsor of terrorism and control many terrorist groups in the region.

Iran is a threat because it recently launched a dangerous attack on Saudi oil facilities.

In a press conference held at the National Press Club of Washington, DC, on Monday, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) revealed new information about this attack.

Based on intelligence obtained by the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) from inside the Iranian regime, the decision for this attack was taken in the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), presided over by regime President Hassan Rouhani. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is also a regular member of the SNSC and attends its sessions. A number of Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) commanders attended this meeting.

Earlier, the US State Department explicitly held Iran responsible for the attack. But Iran’s mullahs tried to lay the blame on the Houthis, their proxies in Yemen.

During a Friday prayer sermon in the city of Mashhad on September 20, less than a week after the attacks, Ahmad Alamalhoda, the representative of the Iranian regime supreme leader said, “You go on accusing Iran. Did you think Iran is confined to its geographical borders?… Today, the Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Force) in Iraq is Iran. The Lebanese Hezbollah is Iran. Ansarollah (the Houthis) in Yemen is Iran. The Syrian National Front is Iran. Palestine’s Islamic Jihad is Iran. Hamas is Iran. These have all become Iran.”

Iran is a threat because it hid its nuclear projects for years until it was revealed by the NCRI in 2002. After reaching an agreement with world powers in 2015 to set limits on its nuclear program, the Iranian regime continues to hide part of its nuclear projects from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the global nuclear watchdog. Iran also refrained to respond to the Agency’s questions and come clean on its past nuclear weaponization activities. According to the latest IAEA report, advanced centrifuges have also been used in violation of the JCPOA.

Iran is a threat because it spends Iran’s wealth on terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and destabilizing neighboring countries. Therefore, as Mrs. Maryam Rajavi president-elect of the NCRI emphasized, decades of silent and inaction vis a vis the regime’s aggression have emboldened it. Experience has proven that the clerical regime cannot be reformed and understands only the language of power and firmness.

The regime’s increased aggressions only show its despair and deadlock, a reflection of the final phases of the life of this regime. The regime and its officials are like drowning people who are grabbing at anything they find. The regime is faced with increasing unrest inside Iran in the past year, protests that continue on a daily basis.

Also, the regime can’t contain the growth of its organization movement, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), which continues to expand its activities inside Iran and abroad.

Iran’s economy is on the verge of total collapse because of the endemic corruption in the regime’s institutions and officials. In this context, any desperate action the regime takes will only further push it into the quagmire it has found itself in.

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