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“Resistance Economy” of the Iranian Regime at the Bottom of the World Economy Table

In Iran there is a monopoly on the economy, with extreme corruption, plundering, and broad-based perspectives on rent-seeking, which has proven two facts to date. Ordinary people are deliberately being forced into austerity; and on the other hand, the leaders of the clerical regime and the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and its affiliates have become richer.

In Iran there is a monopoly on the economy, with extreme corruption, plundering, and broad-based perspectives on rent-seeking, which has proven two facts to date. Ordinary people are deliberately being forced into austerity; and on the other hand, the leaders of the clerical regime and the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and its affiliates have become richer. […]

Poor People Within Iranian Society Are Suffering Greatly as the Iranian Regime Continue to Plunder the Country’s Wealth

On Friday, January 21, retired university lecturer, Dr. Javad Safari, consumed with financial difficulties after not receiving his pension for months, committed suicide, highlighting just how much the Iranian regime’s corrupt actions are devastating the lives of Iranian people.

On Friday, January 21, retired university lecturer, Dr. Javad Safari, consumed with financial difficulties after not receiving his pension for months, committed suicide, highlighting just how much the Iranian regime’s corrupt actions are devastating the lives of Iranian people. Just two months prior, news came to light that the regime’s Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and […]

Major Unrest in Iranian Society Is Heavily Aimed at the Clerical Establishment

With the extent of the unrest in Iran, it is no surprise that Iranian social media has seen an uptrend of posts and videos about ordinary Iranians speaking out against the Iranian regime, and in some cases, showing their aggression and insulting the mullahs.

With the extent of the unrest in Iran, it is no surprise that Iranian social media has seen an uptrend of posts and videos about ordinary Iranians speaking out against the Iranian regime, and in some cases, showing their aggression and insulting the mullahs. In a video, filmed in late December 2021 in the holy […]

Iranian State Media Finally Acknowledge the True Depth of Iran’s Worsening Crises

With Iran’s socio-economic crises worsening day after day, the Iranian state media have finally acknowledged how deep the country’s problems have become after concealing much of the reality of the unrest in Iranian society.

With Iran’s socio-economic crises worsening day after day, the Iranian state media have finally acknowledged how deep the country’s problems have become after concealing much of the reality of the unrest in Iranian society. In the Setar-e Sobh daily on January 1, former MP of the Iranian regime, Parvaneh Salahshouri stated, “The current level of […]

Mullahs Have Destroyed Iran’s Economy, State-Run Daily Warns

In an article, the state-run Hamdeli newspaper admits that the mullahs have destroyed Iran’s economy.

In an article, the state-run Hamdeli newspaper admits that the mullahs have destroyed Iran’s economy. Hamdeli: “Four decades after the [1979] revolution led by clerics, the economic divide and misery have reached a point…” “… that seeing women and children searching for food in trash piles has become a common scene.” Hamdeli says that mullahs […]