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Maryam Rajavi’s Message Delivered by Dowlat Nowrouzi at Online Event on Iran Regime’s Terrorist Threats

Dowlat Nowrouzi, Director of the NCRI UK Office, delivered the message of NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi at an online event on October 15, 2020, on the Iranian regime’s terrorism and how it undermines global security.

The event, hosted by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). Members of Parliament of the U.K. and Irish politicians joined the online conference. Also, many Iranians supporters of the MEK and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)from various countries participated in the event. They focused on the fact that the Iran’s regime is a critical threat to global security, which is especially true considering the mullahs’ terror plots in Europe.

The event came in the wake of new threats by the regime’s incarcerated diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi. Assadi, who arrested following the regime’s foiled bomb plot against the NCRI’s “Free Iran” gathering in 2018 in Paris, threatened Belgian authorities with attacks by the mullahs’ proxy groups if he is found guilty.

The foiled bomb plot in 2018 and Assadi’s threats once again underline the need for European countries to take firm action against the mullahs’ regime.

Message of NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi delivered by Ms. Dowlat Nowrouzi, Director of the NCRI UK Office—October 15, 2020

Human rights, freedom and the desire of the Iranian people for change and establishment of a republic based on universal suffrage is at the core of the Iranian issue.

Ignoring these dimensions runs not only against the interests of the Iranian people, but would also undermine the security of the Middle East, Europe and the entire world.

Sadly, neglecting these vital dimensions has shaped the core of the policies of the European countries towards Iran.

Today the people of Iran are surrounded by the regime’s atrocities and destruction.

On the one hand, they face a catastrophic economy. 

On the other hand, a large segment of the people in Iran are starving. And Iran has one of the highest inflation rates in the world.

On top of all this, regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have plundered the national wealth. Every year, they steal tens of billions of dollars from the public’s wealth, or they move it abroad. In addition, billions of dollars are spent on warmongering, terrorism, as well as on missile and nuclear programs of the mullahs’ regime.

Another issue is the spread of COVID-19 in Iran. Today, the most conservative estimates put the death toll at over 125,000. The mullahs do not use the government’s revenues and resources to contain the spread of the disease. In fact, they use this situation to dishearten the people and silence their protests.

And finally, there is the mullahs’ suppression, torture and execution to preserve their regime. Today, dozens of political prisoners are on death row. The lives of those arrested during the November 2019 protests are in danger. Wrestling champion Navid Afkari and Mostafa Salehi were executed after experiencing barbaric torture.

Since December 2017, five major uprisings have erupted against the Iranian regime. These protests are sparks beneath the ashes and the daily activities of young people and Resistance Units prove this fact. 

At the same time, the mullahs’ regime is very unstable. This explains why the mullahs have resorted to further terrorism abroad, particularly in Europe.

Suppression of the people of Iran on the one hand, and warmongering and export of terrorism on the other, are the two pillars for the regime’s survival. 

Another unprecedented development is that an official diplomat of the regime handed over explosives to terrorists to carry out a massive bombing in the heart of Europe. He is now in jail awaiting his trial.

It is the policy of appeasement that has emboldened the mullahs and has given them free rein to conduct terrorism abroad and carry out suppression at home.

On behalf of the Iranian Resistance, I call on parliaments in Europe, particularly both legislative chambers in the UK and the parliament of Ireland, to take the lead in adopting a new policy towards Iran:

*Human rights for the people of Iran, 

*A comprehensive embargo against the religious dictatorship, and

*Recognition of the Iranian people’s Resistance for freedom and democracy.

It is essential that Britain, Ireland and other European countries designate the IRGC as a terrorist group, shut down the regime’s embassies that are centers for terrorist operations, and expel the regime’s agents from European soil.

An independent international mission must investigate the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran and the slaughter of more than 1,500 protesters by Khamenei during the November 2019 uprising.  

The mission must also investigate the condition of prisons and prisoners in Iran, particularly the conditions of political prisoners.

We demand the release of all political prisoners.

The dossier of the massacres of 1988 and the November 2019 uprising must be sent to the UN Security Council.

Impunity for Khamenei and other leaders of this regime should no longer be tolerated. They must face Justice.

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Maryam Rajavi’s Message Delivered by Dowlat Nowrouzi at Online Event on Iran Regime’s Terrorist Threats