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Iran continuous protests, no sign of giving up

Iran continuous protests, no sign of giving up

Because of the deterioration of human rights and worsening the economic condition, Iran continuous protests hit Iran and the regime is ramping up its suppressive measures to prevent its overthrow by the Iranian people.

But the will of Iranian, from all walk of life, students, teachers, workers, merchants and every other community in Iran can’t be suppressed. The Iranian people are determined to keep alive Iran continuous protests until achieving their fundamental rights, no matter how hard the regime’s suppression is.

The latest Iran continuous protests:

On Oct. 30, 2018, various posts on official outlets and social media networks indicated numerous groups of rail workers going on strike. The protesting workers issued a statement saying:

“We have not received our demands and pensions at a time when we are facing an increase in prices of ordinary goods on a daily basis and we literally lack the ability to provide for our basic needs.”

In a shocking heinous act, the Iranian Regime sentenced 15 workers at the Heavy Equipment Production Company (HEPCO) in Arak City, to prison and flogging for taking part in peaceful protests to demand their unpaid wages.

Each HEPCO worker was sentenced to one to two years in prison and 74 lashes for “disrupting public order” and “instigating workers via the internet to demonstrate and riot, according to the ILNA state-run News Agency.

Earlier this month, a court in Qazvin Province had called for 17 striking truck drivers to face the death penalty, something strongly condemned by labor unions, including the International Transport Federation (ITF).

Last week, in another outstanding event, the clerical regime showed fear of Iran continuous protests on Cyrus the Great Day, a national occasion.

To prevent people from gathering at Pasargadae, the tomb of Cyrus the Great, the Iranian regime dispatched security forces and took deterrence measures.

In addition to the police and secret police, the Revolutionary Guards were on alert in Fars Province and nearby cities.

Despite suppressive measures by the mullahs’ regime, throngs of people from Iranian cities and provinces flocked to Pasargadae. Some people moved toward Pasargadae by foot via alternative routes.

More than 25 centuries ago, Cyrus the Great declared freedom of religion and faith and also guaranteed freedom for all, the subjects which are totally against fundamentalist Mullahs’ thought.

University protests:

Students of Tehran’s Teachers University marched and rallied on Sunday, protesting privatization policies on their campus.

The protesting students were seen holding placards calling for better educational services and closing all disciplinary dossiers launched against students.

In another sign of Iran continuous protests, students of Tehran’s Open University protested the presence of “Guidance Police” patrols on their campus, preventing their units from conducting their patrols. Authorities arrested four college students and confiscated the cameras of many others.

While Tehran University students were protesting authorities dispatching repressive “Guidance Patrol” units to their campus, one unit was seen nearly running over a female student.

As yet another example Iran continuous protests by all walks of life in various cities, numerous retired bank employees from cities across Iran rallied in Tehran Saturday morning to protest their low pensions. This gathering was held outside the Banks Retiree Fund office.

Also in Tehran, clients of the Talaye Thamen Credit Company rallied on Saturday, demanding their stolen savings returned.

On Friday morning, farmers of the town of Jozdan, central Iran, held a rally protesting authorities not responding to their demands. They parked their tractors in the town’s main road in a sign of their anger and protest.

In Karaj, a number of street vendors held a march on Thursday afternoon, protesting police brutality and authorities rounding up their goods. They were chanting, “Death to IRGC Basij members.”

On Thursday, clients of the Padideh credit firm held a rally outside the provincial office in Mashhad, northeast Iran, demanding their stolen savings returned. After the state police attacked and arrested a number of the protesters, People at the scene began protesting such repressive measures.

Overwhelmed in domestic and international crisis, the Iran regime has no option but escalating suppressive measures against people who demand their rights. But Iran continuous protests will not stop until democracy and freedom are achieved.


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